Oshri E
Oshri E
52 Reviews

Los Angeles, CA

Food & DrinksFood Stations Food Trucks Provided by Oshri EContact provider

The best corn dog truck in LA

Corn Dog Food Truck


Permits for public parking​ should

Verified Customer Reviews (2)

  • oR

    Amazing food truck! loved the hotdogs

    osh RJanuary 2022
    Verified Customer
  • art B


    art BJanuary 2022
    Verified Customer

Event type

  • Birthday parties
  • Weddings
  • Workshops
  • Baby showers
  • Company Events
  • Kids parties
  • Adult party
  • Meetings
  • Corporate
  • Dinners
  • Team off site
  • Launch party
  • Outdoor

Protect your booking

Never pay for a booking outside of the Eventors website. Only bookings completed through the website will have access to secure payment, fraud safeguards, and cancellation protection.

Starting price